I can't believe that our little girl is 3 years old!! What a precious, sweet, fun, smart, strong-willed, stubborn, loving, spunky little girl she is :) I love every quality she has, even if sometimes, I want to pull my hair out when we play battle of the wills(which happens often)! She knows what she wants and she will do whatever she has to do to get it. This will be a great quality one day, but in a 3 year old, it can be hard! She loves people and is very social. She is happiest when she is around a lot of people. She loves school and church and asks if we are going to both every day. She is so loving and will tell us she loves us all the time and gives us wonderful hugs and kisses for no reason. Hannah Grace is an amazing big sister and loves Knox so much. She is never mean to him and is so protective and loving towards him. She is such a Daddy's girl and loves every minute she gets to spend with him. Her favorite things to do with Daddy right now are riding horsey, kicking the soccer ball and playing outside. I love all that she is learning right now. She has several verses that she can recite, but my favorite is "Give thanks in all things" Eph. 5:20. We just videoed her doing this, so I will post it soon. She loves music and any instruments. She is precious singing all the praise baby songs in the car. My favorite, is "I will sing of your love forever". Her favorite TV show right now is "Little Einsteins" and movie is "Beauty and the Beast". She is obsessed with princesses, dolls and anything girly! She loves her ballet class and I think does really well :) We love our little Girl and look forward to all the many more memories we will share with her!

Birthday Waffle. Funny thing that HG can not blow! I had to help her blow out her candle :)
We took her to Chuckie Cheese on her actual Birthday
Did Daddy or Hannah Grace have more fun?!

We gave Hannah Grace a scooter for her Birthday. The Child has been talking about wanting it for months, since she saw her friend Caroline's :)

**New Post Below**