Month 9 was an eventful one for sweet little Knox. He had a rough time with ear infections, having a total of 4 in a month! We will get that fixed Friday, when he and his sister get tubes :) You wouldn't know that he was hurting, with that sweet smile that stays on his face all the time! Knox is still into everything and he exhausts me every day. He prefers real food now and rarely will eat baby food. He loves avacodo, any veggie, macaroni and cheese, chicken, noodles, rice and pretty much anything that I will give him. He doesn't like fruit, which I find odd for a baby, but at least he likes veggies. He is cruising around the house pushing his toys and walking around the furniture very well, so I bet he is walking soon. He will wave bye-bye and will clap for himself when he is proud. He says Mama, Dada and Nana. Nana loves that he said her name so early, since it took Hannah Grace a while :) We went to his 9 month check up about 2 weeks ago and he weighed 25 lbs (90%) and was 31 inches (off charts). His weight has slowed down(my back thanks him), but he continues to be extremely tall. This boy loves his sister and wants to be doing everything she does. So sweet. I guess that is all for month 9.

Everything in the mouth
One of his favorite spots is the pantry
In Daddy's car :) This was a one time thing riding facing forward. He did love it!
Brother/Sister love watching praise baby. This lasted for about a minute!