Wednesday, March 24, 2010

16 Months

Hannah Grace is now 16 months and full of energy! She is on the go constantly and keeps me busy all day. She loves to climb on everything and will make anything a step stool (toys, books, pans, etc..). This means she falls all the time and has a lot of bumps and bruises. Her favorite thing to play with right now is any type of ball. She could be out in the front yard all day long just playing with a ball. She also likes to dress up like her Mommy. She wants to put on my shoes, jewelry and loves to wear my sunglasses. She has the sweetest little personality and loves to give everyone hugs and kisses all the time :) She still doesn't talk very much, but I sure am trying to get her to! She is still really tall and at her 15 month appt. was off the charts for Height at 33in. and 80% for weight at 25lb 8oz. Most people we encounter think she is at least 2! Hopefully, this warm weather will stay, since Hannah Grace is so happy outside!


Ashley said...

she's so adorable Shannon! Was thinking about you last night bc I was with all the Baum girls celebrating Becca's engagement and we were talking about how we loved Hannah Grace's name!(: Where do y'all live? We are looking to move and I thought y'all are in homewood but wasn't sure where?

Alicia said...

What a little doll!