Sunday, February 6, 2011

Circus, Mcwane & More

I haven't been the best blogger lately, so here is a few things we have done in the last couple of weeks! We went to the circus last weekend and Hannah Grace loved it! She loved all the animals and it was a very entertaining show. Her favorite animal was the "horsey" and she talked about the horses for several days. We also went to the Mcwane center as a family a few weekends ago. This was a special treat, since Daddy has never been there before with us. Well, I think he liked it more than Hannah Grace. I love all the family activities and think we need much more of them :)

In awe!

Fun with Daddy!

Ready to play in the ice?!

Didn't like the ice at all! We stayed outside for maybe 5 minutes!
Cruising with my friend Abby and teaching her how to drive :)