Wednesday, November 2, 2011

5 Months

5 Months is already almost gone and this month is full of firsts for "Knoxy Pooh", as HG calls him. This child is active!!! So different than Hannah Grace at this age. He will roll across a room, is sitting up, tries to pull himself up with his bumpers and is on all fours and I think could crawl at any moment. Scary! I don't know if I am ready for 2 mobile children. He is so much better in his carseat now and rarely cries. I think his reflux medicine is to thank for this :) His personality is so sweet and he will smile at anyone and smiles all the time! Hannah Grace wins the award for getting him to smile the best! He loves his sister and it is so sweet :) Knox had his first sickness this month, along with the rest of the family! It was a long October for us and I am glad we are all well. It is hard taking care of sick babies, without any sleep! We started oatmeal about 2 weeks ago and he is doing well with it. I really can't stand the baby food stage and feel like all I do is feed around the clock. So I look forward to starting solid food, but he does seem to like baby food more than HG, so I may be stuck in it a little longer than I would like. And lastly, can we just say that Knox is a mini Clint! He is looking more and more like him to me :)

Yes, he does have on a pink bib :) You grab the first one you see around our house!
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