Plane ride to Disney

Loving Oso

Silly boy having a blast with the laundry basket :)
Knox is already 8 months, but I wanted to remember some of the things he experienced and firsts during this month. First, I just have to say what a complete Joy this boy is! His smile is so contagious and just melts me, every time I see it. He is so much fun and has the sweetest little laugh! He is still into everything and always wants what his sister is playing with :) Well, this causes a problem and makes me feel like I play referee all day long. Hannah Grace is slowly getting better about sharing her things, but this is still a huge work in progress. Knox is aggressive! It is so interesting the difference between girls and boys this young. I can already tell such a difference between Hannah Grace and Knox. He will bang on things and pull and wrestle with Hannah Grace. She never did this and still doesn't like it. It is funny to watch her whine and get upset over Knox messing with her! Knox still is eating really well, but he is definitely developing preferences. His favorites are yogurt, green beans, peas, sweet potatoes, spaghetti, oatmeal, puffs, cheerios and really anything he can pick up. I think we are about to give up on baby food. He just doesn't seem interested anymore and prefers to pick up his food and do it all on his own. He is babbling a lot more these days and said "mama"! He is very active and a few weeks ago started pushing around his little push toy like a champ! We have had a long month in the Johnston family with sickness. We all have had the stomach bug, colds and multiple ear infections. Poor Knox has had 3 in a month 1/2, so we go to get tubes for him soon and we will get Hannah Grace's 2nd set too. I guess my kids are just prone to getting ear infections :( I think that is about all for this month. 9 month post coming after we go to the doctor and a Disney Post from our recent trip to Disney World!