Thursday, May 31, 2012

12 Months

My baby is 1!!! What a joy this year has been! Knox is such a blessing to our family and I couldn't imagine life without him. He is such a sweet boy, but with a major wild side! He doesn't stop and keeps me super busy. I thought Hannah Grace was busy, but she was nothing compared to Knox. Here are some things I would like to remember about Knox at this age:

Anything his sister has
The Toilet (Ugh)
Hannah Grace's Kitchen
His Lovie
Climbing into and on top of everything

The Ocean
Large Crowds
Most fruit
Not being able to do what Hannah Grace does

Knox is a pretty good eater, but not as good as Hannah Grace was. He is much more picky and doesn't like as many foods as she did at his age. His favorites right now are yogurt, pasta, green beans, peas, blueberries, waffles, pancakes, grapes and anything with cheese on it. He weighed 27 lbs at his 12 month appt. and was 32 inches. I thought he was similar to Hannah Grace, but looking back she was only 23 pounds and 30 inches, so he is much bigger than she was. He is saying a few words. Mama, Dada, Nana, stairs, ball, bird and more. He is waving, clapping and he loves to pat with the Little Einsteins, while Hannah Grace is watching it. Knox started walking a few days after his birthday! He will not sit still to read a book, but I do keep trying! Love our little man and look forward to all the fun things he will experience this summer!

Beach Birthday

We had a little celebration for Knox's birthday the last day at the beach. What a fun way to end a great beach trip! Can't wait for next year!!

Wagon from Nana and PawPaw

First Daiquiri (obviously non-alcoholic)

Starting to walk :)
Birthday Boy!

Nat Nat with the birthday boy

Knox's thoughts on his cupcake
Hannah Grace trying to cheer him on, but it didn't work. He never touched it!

Hunter and Hays tried to tell him he would love it! They certainly enjoyed theirs :)

Beach-Part 3

Later in the week my cousin Natalie and Uncle Jimmy joined us at the beach. Hannah Grace loves Jimmy and Nat Nat and was thrilled that they were there :) A big thanks to Nat Nat for entertaining Hannah Grace! 

Playing football

In Training :)

Playing in the sand with Daddy

Loving on Nana

Knox's feelings on the ocean

Dressing up in Nat Nat's clothes

Spending time with Pawpaw

Happy children we have :)

Relaxing with Nana

Fun date night! Thanks Nana and PawPaw :)

Sweet Natalie
Laying out with Nat Nat

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Beach-Part 2

More fun at the beach...
Fun in the pool! Black eye is from a bad fall!

Fun at Lulu's

Dancing and Singing with the band

Fun in the sand at Lulu's


He loves his Nana

 Addie & Knox in their cute chairs :)

All Boy getting into the water bucket!

Knox not wanting to be anywhere near the ocean!

Fun at the Amusement Park

Knox really wanting to go too :)
Go-Carts with Daddy