Saturday, May 19, 2012

Blake and Monica's Wedding

We had a wonderful time at my cousin Blake's wedding in Charleston a few weeks ago! We are very excited to welcome Monica into the family and are so happy for the sweet couple:) Hannah Grace was in the wedding and did a fantastic job! She loves being in weddings and has no fear walking down the aisle and just loves all the attention. Hannah Grace loved looking at Monica the day of the wedding. She kept calling her Princess Monica all day :) Charleston is such a fun city and we had the best time while we were there. A big thanks to my cousin Anna, for getting us babysitters! It just wouldn't have been possible without them .I realized when posting the pics, that Knox is not in any of them. He did make an appearance at the rehearsal, but was with the sitters most of the time. Such a fun weekend!! Congrats Blake and Monica!! Now, who will be next in family to get married?!?! I am ready for another fun weekend!

Blake, Monica and Hannah Grace
Kate, Hannah Grace and Anna

Walking down all by herself

Kate and Hannah Grace at the Bridesmaids Luncheon


No, she is not asleep!

The family

We loved riding around the town!

Sweet Kate and Hannah Grace
A little dancing :)


Stingfeeding at the local aquarium