Wednesday, April 18, 2012

10 & 11 Months

I have skipped right over 10 months and we are now 11 months. Where has the time gone?! I can't believe my little baby is going to be one in less than a month! Knox continues to be such a sweet baby. He just loves life and loves people. He continues to think his sister is the coolest person and follows her around all day long. He tries to do exactly what she does, wants to play with the same toys and mimics her every move. It is really special to see their sweet relationship starting to grow. Knox has become a little attached to me lately and will cry every time I am out of sight. This has been a little hard, but I know is just a phase! This boy loves to eat!! I feel like I can't keep up. He still eats some baby food, but is mostly eating regular food now. His favorites right now are avocado, green beans, hummus, grapes, cheese, chicken, yogurt and any noodle. He is standing on his own now and has taken a few steps, but is still hesitant to just go for it. I bet it will be soon! He loves to climb our stairs and will pitch a fit if you take him off! Speaking of pitching fits, these are starting to happen a little more with Knox. I use to think he wasn't going to have a strong personality like Hannah Grace, but I am starting to rethink that now. He is stubborn and definitely will try his best to get it his way! Love this sweet boy and can't wait to celebrate his 1st Birthday soon!!