Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Sunday

We had a great Easter Sunday, despite that fact that Knox was sick! Thankfully, our church has several different services, so we were both able to make it, but just not together :( Such is life with little ones! We also weren't able to make it to Guntersville to see my family, due to the sickness. So, we enjoyed lunch at Bonefish Grill, just the 4 of us. It was a great Easter, even though it didn't go as expected. Every Easter is special, but this year, Hannah Grace was able to learn and understand more about why we celebrate Easter. What a special thing to watch as her little brain churns and she asks questions about our Risen Savior! I especially loved one of the songs her MDO teachers taught her about the Resurrection and put it on a place mat for us to sing everyday. To the tune of Jesus loves Me, it goes like this:

This is the Cross where Jesus died
This is the hill where Mary cried
This is the stone that rolled away
Jesus rose on the very third day.
Yes Jesus loves me.

At church in between services. Proof that we were all there at some point!
In Mommy's dress that she wore when she was 5! Hannah Grace is a lot taller than I was :)

Hannah Grace and Daddy about to leave for church

My sweet Boys :)


Alicia said...

So fun seeing you today! Thanks for the earring recommendation:). Love your sweet family and glad Knox is feeling better.