Saturday, April 27, 2013

Easter 2013

We had a fun and special Easter this year. I love that Hannah Grace is starting to grasp the meaning of our Risen Savior. Truly the best thing a parent can witness, is the Lord opening your child's eyes to the gospel. We celebrated at our church that morning and then headed to Boaz to celebrate with our family. This was our last holiday to celebrate at the house, I grew up in. My parents are moving out, after living there for 18 years. So many wonderful memories, have happened in that house. It will be missed! 
Hannah Grace and Knox ready for church (Hannah Grace wore my dress again this year)

Being Silly

Easter Bunny Came

Opening baskets at Nana & PawPaw's

All the kids

We didn't know where the kids where at one point. Found them in the crib upstairs!

All the women in the fam

Hunting Easter eggs in Nana's shirt



Enjoying the candy and fellowship