In Hannah Grace's three weeks of life she has already experienced many things and has many likes and dislikes already! She loves to be on the go, which is great, since I do too. We have already been to several dinners, to the mall, church and many shopping adventures. She is the best baby and is already sleeping 5 hours during the night (which Mommy loves!). I never thought that getting 4-5 hours of sleep would feel like a lot, but it does now :) We love our little girl and are having the best time with her!!
Things she likes:
Her Bath!
Eating :)
Loves the Mall
To stroll around the neighborhood
Ride in the Car
Watching TV and Alabama Football
Being Swaddled!!
Getting her clothes Changed
Sleeping during the day
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
3 Weeks Old
Posted by Shannon and Clint at 4:44 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Hannah Grace's first days at home
We are adjusting to life with our sweet little girl and are loving every minute of it. Here are a few pics of the past few days. More posts to come! Us going home from the hospital and the first time in her car seat
My going home day gown that my Aunt Lindsey made for me.
Posted by Shannon and Clint at 12:50 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Hannah Grace is Here!
Hannah Grace arrived Nov. 18th at 4:55. She is absolutely precious and Clint and I are so in love!! She weighs 8 lbs 9 ounces and is 21 inches long, so you can see that she takes after her Daddy in size. Here are just a couple of pics, but there will be many more to come.
Posted by Shannon and Clint at 6:30 AM 15 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Clint's Crazy Halloween Costume!!
Clint has always wanted to dress up as the Incredible Hulk for Halloween, so this year we decided to do it! It was so fun to paint him completely green and I thought it turned out really well. I thought that you would get a good laugh out of this :) Enjoy!
Posted by Shannon and Clint at 1:17 PM 1 comments
Hannah Grace's Nursery
So many of you have been asking when I would be posting pics of the nursery. Well, until this weekend I had nothing to post because it wasn't finished! Well, it is almost complete and here are the pics. I say almost, because I am still waiting on the dresser(nightmare)that should be in by Wednesday(keeping my fingers crossed). Hopefully, Hannah Grace will come on her own before the Monday. If not, the Dr. wants to induce me on the 18th. So, we will have our little girl here so soon :)
Posted by Shannon and Clint at 12:21 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Guntersville Shower
My wonderful Aunt Mavis had the shower at her house and this is the view from her front porch!
My cousin Anna and her fabulous gift! She went to LA this summer for an internship and wanted to find Hannah Grace the perfect gift. Well, she came back with a crystal paci :) She was so excited about it because Suri Cruise has the same paci!! Hannah Grace will be so stylish because of her cousin Anna!
Posted by Shannon and Clint at 10:11 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Birmingham Baby Shower
Some of my best friends threw me a wonderful Shower at Shoal Creek Country Club on Sunday and it was so much fun! I appreciate them all so much and am so thankful to have them in my life. I felt so loved and supported by all who came and I receieved so many wonderful gifts! I got so many cute outfits and many practical items as well. The hostesses gave me the Bob Jogging Stroller and I was so excited. Right when I got home, I got Clint to put it together, so I could test it out. Well, I love it and can't wait to stroll around the neighborhood with Hannah Grace soon! We are starting the nursery this week, so hopefully it will be finished soon. The painters come on Thursday, then we can start moving furniture in! The only item that is not in yet, is the crib and it won't be in until around the end of October. I just pray that it gets here before she arrives!!! Pics soon to come of the nursery :)
My Sweet Mom! Julia found this great person to design this beautiful diaper cake! She definitely took her samples of the colors that I am using in the nursery :) What a sweet friend!!
Posted by Shannon and Clint at 1:13 PM 3 comments