Not me, but my Sister-in-law KENDALL!!! Many of you know that she and my brother Will have been trying to get pregnant for almost 2 1/2 years. After IUI's, Invitro and many many medications she is finally pregnant! What a blessing considering days before the Dr. had told them that there would only be a 9 % chance of pregnancy with each IUI performed. I guess the Lord showed them!! Praise the Lord for this miracle growing inside of her. The road they have had to go down has not been an easy one, but it has been amazing to see the Lord working in both Will and Kendall through this process. I can't even begin to express the way that Kendall has felt through this process, so I will let her tell you. This is a section from a letter that she wrote to all her friends and family after finding out that she and Will were finally expecting :)
As I am writing this, the tears are flowing freely. Ya’ll this baby is nothing short of a miracle from the Lord. 9%??? The God I serve doesn’t work in percentages! As I look back over the past 2/1/2 years of infertility I am amazed at the lessons I have learned from the Lord. I can honestly say I would not have traded that time for anything. I finally within the past few months lifted my hands and said “God do what you please with me”. If it’s no baby then you will tell me to adopt. If it’s 10 babies then I will take them J I realized very clearly that this life is not about me or any of my circumstances. It is about me living my life as an offering for a Savior who laid down his life for me. It’s not only about being a mom or that making me happy. It’s about praising my Father for all that He has done and telling the world about it! I truly give all the honor and praise to God Almighty!
I also will say that I’m extremely early in my pregnancy and I’m not naïve to know that things could happen. However, I am choosing to be joyful during this time and lay aside any anxious thoughts. I decided that I would like for the same people that prayed me through infertility to pray me through any other circumstance. So, I ask for you to join with me in my prayer for this precious miracle growing inside of me! I love all of you so much and can never repay for the love and support you have shown me.
Kendall has been such an encouragement to me through this process and I know to so many others. I hope that her words can encourage many others who are going through this same painful process.
The way that Will and Kendall told our family was so cute!! They have a French bulldog named Scout and used him to tell us. They tied a pregnancy test around his neck and brought him in to see us. Right when he walked in, I saw the POSITIVE pregnancy test and completely lost it!!! Crying and hugging them both is a moment that I will remember and cherish forever!! Hannah Grace is also super excited that she will be a cousin soon :) Please join me in praying for this precious miracle growing inside of Kendall.
Kendall waiting on Will to get home to tell him the Great News!!!
Will's first reaction to the news!!!
Me Freaking out!!
Oh, Shannon this is so exciting! I'm tearing up just reading this. I will join you in praying as God knits this little one together in Kendall's womb. Praise the Lord for his goodness and perfect timing.
I'll admit that you had me when I first saw the post title....I said "oh my gosh" out loud.:)Thanks for sharing!
so so so happy for her!!! and such a small world... I just put this together...heard about her from Becca and then Katie Compton but didn't realize it was the same girl!! I'm so so excited!!! What a miracle and blessing!
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