Thursday, June 25, 2009

7 Months

7 Months!!! I really can't believe it :) Hannah Grace has done a lot of firsts this past month!! One of the most exciting things, is she finally rolled over!!! I know, that some of you are thinking what....... just rolling over at 7 months?!? But, can you imagine having to roll over 22 pounds?!? It would be quite a task, but she finally did it about 2 weeks ago. Now, we just need to teach her to roll the other direction. She rolls from her back to her stomach and then gets stuck. This is no fun when she does this early in the morning, and I have to go and roll her back over!!

She also has finally started taking baby food well :) She pretty much likes everything, but her favorite, is by far Carrots! She has also tried avocadoes, peas, pears and apples. We also tried bananas, but will not eat those again!! They did not settle too well on her system!

Hannah Grace has also developed a love for animals, especially dogs! She squeals with delight when she sees a dog and wants to jump out of our arms and start playing with it. It is just too cute.

And lastly, she has learned how to scream, or should I call it screaching!!! She loves to make this sound when we are out at restaurants, so we definitely draw some attention. Even though it is so loud, it is still super cute. I guess it is just her form of communication.

Oh, and great news! It looks like Hannah Grace is going to have not just 1 cousin, but possibly 2-3!!! That's right, Kendall & Will are having TWINS and possibly TRIPLETS!!! I am super excited to be an Aunt to all of them and Hannah Grace is so excited to have so many cousins to play with :)


Jamie Cormier Photography said...

she is so dang cute! Happy 7 months!!

Kimmie said...

how adorable is she! isaac thinks so too--he likes his women big!:)

Lauren Baum Malbrough said...

She is the happiest/most giggly baby ever! Love her & all those smiles!!!

Samantha said...

Hannah Grace is so cute. Keep us posted on the future possible neice and nephews. So excited for your whole family.

elizabeth said...

I simply cannot believe she is SEVEN MONTHS OLD. WHAT HAPPENED!!??? Shannon, she is almost 1 and I truly feel like she just arrived. I always think she is like 4 months and am always wrong. So crazy! She is beautiful. Miss seeing you guys. Can't wait to hear the definitive news on Kendall and Will. Yay!!