The weekend of the first Bama game we decided to watch it at Dream Ranch with great friends! If you are wondering what Dream Ranch is, go to this website,, and you will see. My two brothers run it and do a wonderful job. We had a great time and it was fun to get away for a weekend. However, we did have a scary moment when we got to Guntersville! Hannah Grace had ran a fever the night before of 101 and was very fussy. I knew something wasn't right, but since it wasn't too bad, I just thought it might be a tooth coming in. Well, we get to Dream Ranch and she starts screaming and we couldn't console her at all!! I then checked her temp, and it was 104!! So, we decided we needed to go to the ER. We spent about 4 hours there and they determined that she had a virus, that mimics flu like symptoms. They did nothing for her, but knowing that she was ok, put me at ease. She continued to run a fever the rest of the week, so it was a hard virus to get over. We are now all better and that is why I am finally getting a post in. It is hard getting things done with a sick baby! So, many posts to come over the next several days.