Friday, September 4, 2009

9 Month Photos

So, I need some help. We recently had Hannah Grace's 9 month photos taken and we just got them back. They are all so good, so I need some help picking which ones are the best!! Let me know your thoughts. Thanks! Here is the link. Enjoy!


The Grimmer Family said...


That is tough! All of her pictures are beautiful!! You look great as well!! She's such a pretty baby!


Ashley said...

Those are so beautiful Shannon! I just got Ryder's 2 week pictures and am having the same problem with choosing! I love the version of that song...who is that singing? I would love to download it.

Kimmie said...

BEAUTIFUL!! all of them. if i were you i would just buy all of them.:) i definitely love the first ones of her and that cute pink background.

Whitney said...

Those are beautiful! I'm way to indecisive to pick - they are all great! Hannah Grace is one pretty little girl :)

The Hamiltons said...

My daughter is almost the same age - learned of your blog through Kelley Brown's. However did you get her to 1. sit still for all those photos and 2. smile on cue for a photographer?!

You have some great shots to pick through - enjoy! Isn't this a fun age? Lots of personality and independence but still sweet.

Kelley Brown said...

Oh wow! Those are all so good! I have no idea how to help you choose. :) I love all the different backgrounds. And the ones of you and HG are beautiful!