Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Big Girl

Hannah Grace is officially in a BIG GIRL BED! I was terrified to make this transition and she did amazing :) She didn't try to get out and still slept until her normal 7:30-8:00. So glad that we have this over! She loves it and talks about her "big bed" all the time. Sweet girl!

And then, the other day, she found this......
This child has never taken a paci a day in her life and has all the sudden developed a fascination with them! She doesn't suck on it, just chews on it. This may be because of teething, so hopefully this will pass, but for now it makes for such a funny picture!!


Alicia said...

So glad it went so well! She looks so cute in her big girl bed. Love how she has that pacifier in her mouth upside down, haha! Love HG!

Ben and Leah said...

Yeah!!! I am so glad she did so well! So proud of her. She is going to be a great big sister

Dawn said...

I'm so glad it went well for you all! She looks so comfy in her big girl bed! Yay Hannah Grace (and Mommy and Daddy!).