Sunday, April 10, 2011

Fun in Boaz

While Clint was in Peru for a Mission Trip, Hannah Grace and I spent the week with my parents in Boaz. We had a great time, but missed Daddy very much!!! Learn more about Clint's trip here Sorry for all the pictures, but we just did so much while we were there :)

Playing with Hunter and Hays
Having a Picnic

Peek-a-boo with Nana
Hannah Grace and Hunter
Hays watching them swing (he was a little scared)
Fun Stroll with Kendall around the Lake (Kendall is 12 weeks pregnant here and I am 32 weeks)

What I did most of the week :)
Helping Nana clean out the pool

Playing with Millie and Aunt Ann Ever

Hannah Grace named these dolls Hunter and Hays. I think we need to find them some boy clothes!

Playing at MeeMee's
Loving her walker

HG loves Peppy!
Celebrating all the March Birthdays in our family
Fun with PawPaw in the Golf cart
We got to visit with Karli, Isabella and Hudson in Huntsville one day. It was a sweet treat and we are thankful for their friendship and wish we could see them more!

Visiting PawPaw at work

Will's Surprise 30th Casino Birthday Party. So much fun!!