Saturday, August 6, 2011

2 Months

I am a little late on this post! I feel like time is just flying by and Knox is growing up so fast, but maybe that is also because he is just so big :) At his 2 month checkup he weighed 17 lbs 13 oz and was 25 1/2 inches. I know, huge!!! Everyone thinks that he is a 6 month old and he is already wearing 9 month clothes. He is smiling all the time and has started to giggle over the last few weeks. He likes to sleep on his stomach and when I switched him from back to stomach a few weeks ago, he started sleeping through the night! Ah, how nice it is to get a full nights sleep :) He also started sucking his thumb, which I also think helps him sleep better. I will most mornings hear him smacking away and I love it that he can pacify himself! He continues to be a very laid back baby and rarely cries, except in the car! He hates the car, so that can be a little frustrating. He loves to watch his sister and smiles at her with the cutest little grin. I really love this age and want to savor every moment with this little guy :)


Ashley said...

he is SOOOO adorable Shannon!!!!