Friday, June 4, 2010

17 & 18 Months

I have been a bad blogger lately, mostly due to the fact that my camera has been broken. I now have it back, so I will do much better. I realized today that I never did a 17 or 18 month post, so I needed to catch up. I found a few of my favorite pics that family have taken (thanks Ann Ever!). I feel like these past months Hannah Grace has become a little girl and is no longer a baby anymore. She is so much fun and is so loving, but also has some major meltdowns and fits :) She loves to give anyone hugs and kisses and I love that she loves people so much. She is saying many words right now, but her favorite is hi! She says hello in many different ways and tones and it really gets peoples attention when we are out. It is hilarious and I get a good laugh every time we go somewhere!

Here are some things that I would really like to remember about Hannah Grace at this age:
-Her sweet love for people
-The way she looks when she sees her Daddy (definitely a Daddy's Girl)
-Saying "Hi" to everyone
-Really likes things in order (ex. Went in the pantry and made sure all the cereal boxes were lined up!)
-Has said about 15-20 words
-Loves watching the Wonder Pets
-Has no fear (will climb anything and jump in any body of water without hesitation!!)
-Loves Dogs and Ducks
-Pitches several fits a day

I know that all anyone wants to see are the pictures, but I really want to use this as a scrapbook one day, so I want to be able to have these sweet memories. More posts to come as I play catch up :)

The lovely meltdowns :)