Monday, June 21, 2010

Sports Camp 2010

I have taught at Sports Camp at the church I grew up at (Grace Fellowship), for the past 6 years. I really do love it and enjoy spending time with all my cheerleaders during the week. It is a great outreach and a wonderful way to share the gospel to young kids! We had around 400 this year and I had about 70 cheerleaders, so I had my hands full :) My Mom kept Hannah Grace most of the week and BG (Birmingham Grandmother) came later to help out. They had a lot of fun and Hannah Grace really enjoyed being around all the children. Here are some pics from the week.

All the kids

Playing with Nana in the Nursery
Singing praise music every morning
This is for Kate and Katie (friends who played Bball at Bama)! I think we may have a Bball player on our hands :)
First time to eat at a little table and loved it

Cheering with Mommy
Entertaining my cousins Hunter and Hays

Sharing with BG

She definitely jumped off the diving board with no hesitation!
I love my PawPaw