Sunday, July 26, 2009

8 Months!

Hannah Grace is just growing up before our eyes and I can't believe our baby is only 3 1/2 months from turning 1! It makes me a little sad, but I also love watching her learn new things and grow up into a precious little girl! This past month has brought on a lot more activity! She is starting to move around a lot more!! She rolls everywhere and will not sit still in your lap, but insists on crawling all over you. She is still not crawling yet, but it looks like it might be soon. She is trying very hard, so we will see when she decides to start. Until then, I am still enjoying her not being mobile. She still doesn't have any teeth, but I think the bottom 2 will pop in any day! Hannah Grace still has the most fun loving personality and still loves people. She will go to anyone and loves being the center of attention. Although she is mostly always happy, she has started to throw some fits!! She does this most of the time, when you take something away from her that she shouldn't have. But, as long as you give her something else, she is usually fine. Hopefully, this will be the extent to her fits, but if she is anything like her Mommy, this is just the beginning! Supposedly, I was a pretty bad toddler (with attitude!!), so we will see if Hannah Grace takes this on. We go to the Doctor at 9 months, so I will be interested to see what Hannah Grace weighs and how tall she is. Maybe she will make it on the charts this time!! (haha)

Rolling all over Daddy!!
In the outfit that BG made!

Clint reading his nightly Bible Story to Hannah Grace

Of all her toys, her hairbrush is by far, one of her favorite things to play with!


Lauren Baum Malbrough said...

Love it! She is so grown up...xoxo

Kendall and Will said...

Aww Shannon she looks so big!! Can't wait to see her and all her new tricks soon!