Tuesday, July 21, 2009


What my child was earlier this morning!! Locked in what you may ask?!! THE CAR!! I locked my poor child in my car at the church this morning! I seriously felt like the worse Mom ever. You may be wondering how this happened. Well, I always go in to get Hannah Grace and put my keys in the diaper bag. Well, for some reason I had hit the lock button and realized that I had forgotten my Bible in the front seat. I went to get it and when I did, that is when the back door shut and I realized what I had done. So, I frantically run into the church crying, trying to get to a phone (since mine was in the car) and try and get Clint, who has my spare. Well, he didn't answer and in the meantime I ran into one of the girls in the B'study and she informed me to call 911. Much to my surprise, they will come and unlock your car when a child is involved. They got there in about 2 minutes, but it took them around 15 minutes to get her out! Supposedly, my car is hard to break into! While, they were still working on getting her out, I did get in touch with Clint. Thankfully, he was right around the corner, heading to his office. I informed him on the phone that they were having some trouble and he steps out of his car with a hammer!! He was ready to knock out the window, if they didn't get her out soon! Those of you who know Clint, can imagine this sight! Well, we finally got her out and she was fine! She was actually fine the whole time and having a great time in the car, while everyone else was panicking. She was playing peek-a-boo with the pastors and laughing and admiring everyone around her. Gotta love her personality :) Oh, and if you do lock your child into your car, what better place to be than at your church. The staff was great and was so encouraging, while thanking me for a bit of excitement in their day!


Kendall and Will said...

Oh my gosh I would have been freaking out too! She is so sweet to just sit there and play. Glad you got her out because I kinda like her :)

Jamie Cormier Photography said...

Been there, done that, Panera, summer heat. Welcome to the club :) Thank GOD for OnSTAR! They unlocked it immediately!

Unknown said...
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The Pughs said...

I locked Cole in at my house but it was my mom's car so I didn't have a spare. I had to wait for Dax to come home from my parents' with the key. Luckily, Cole was asleep and just waking up about the time his Daddy drove up. I was freaking out!

Dana and Chris Sheheane said...

I know i told you after bible study yesterday, but i did this too and wells was only 12 weeks old!!! it was awful!!!!!! i'm so sorry for chris' prank to clint last night! i told him he was crazy!! love ya! dana

Whitney said...

Bless your heart! Don't beat yourself up; it could (and probably will) happen to anyone!

Ben and Leah said...

My sister, Catie, did that too when Caleb was really little while we were having a family dinner at my parents. We had to dial 911 and do the same thing. I guess it happens more than you think :)

katie said...

SHANNON! that is hilarious... i locked campbell in the car the VERY NEXT DAY... kendall was dying when i told her it happened to me too! we were at brookwood mall though - and it took 3 security guards, and policeman to get her out - after 30 or 45 minutes!! we should seriously win mom of the year... the policeman said it happens all the time - that made me feel a little better. :)